2020 update: We are glad people still come to this page after doing a search for "meditation challenge" - thanks for visiting our site. The 28-day meditation challenge for February, 2020 is now open. It's free, and you can sign up here. > 28-DAY MEDITATION CHALLENGE Now that the wave of "New Year's Resolutions" has passed, are you ready to do something that can REALLY change your life for the better? Beginning February 1st, we are doing the 28-day meditation challenge. We have a dedicated page on our website, and we will make daily posts to motivate you. You can do this, and we'll help! The goal is to meditate at least 5 minutes every day, for 28 days straight! Are you ready to stop being held hostage by the next thought, emotion, or urge that pops into your head? < Note: if you found this page during a time when the current year's meditation challenge is no longer open, you can read our free guide to mindfulness and meditation instead (no email required). Stop getting caught up in the stories running through your head.Comments are closed.