note: our free guide to mindfulness and meditation really is free - no email or registration required. The link is at the bottom of the page. Once a week we highlight quotes that will (hopefully) resonate with you. We may or may not add our own commentary. Most likely, we will. This week we start with Nell Tropan: "Mind is neither good nor bad, but is useful and dangerous at the same time, just as water can nourish or drown you." As we often say - thoughts aren't the problem. Emotions aren't the problem. Your mind isn't the problem. The problem is you identify with these things - you get caught up in them. As such, they condition your behavior and give rise to struggles such as stress, anxiety, depression, a lack of focus, et cetera. Your mind is your mind - it's not good or bad. You use it when you need it, but don't let it control your life when you don't. Next, from Eckhart Tolle: "Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being." I would say "Being lost in thought and not being able to move your attention away from it is a dreadful affliction." Our minds are compulsive, and they produce non-stop activity. Much like a fish doesn't realize it's surrounded by water because it's always been surrounded by water, we don't realize how constant and pervasive thoughts are because we're always subjected to them. It's our normal state. What are you trying to "cope" with?
Coping doesn't work - addressing the root cause does. We'll show you how. Comments are closed.